Friday, September 14, 2007

Greyhounds and dolls don't mix

I enjoy our greyhounds, but our girl Flower, has acquired the lustful taste for vinyl. She started by just grabbing a slipper, glove or random action figure collecting them onto her pillow or into her kennel. She was adopted directly from the track and never had many toys of her own. So she needed to have her own things. She comes by collecting naturally, many greyhounds will collect and hoard objects. I think it's a comfort thing, like a blankie. So we buy her plenty of toys and she really likes the squeaky ones that never squeak long with her chewing them. She pops the squeakers. Even though, she chews her stuffed animals, she rarely breaks the fabric on them. However now that vinyl, doggy gum, has crossed her lips in the form of one of my dolls she has an obsession. While I was packing away my doll collection to put our house on the market, Flower grabbed a Tonner doll "Daphne" right off of my bed then took her to her bed and chewed her hand completly off. Then I remembered a poor "Brenda Starr" doll that bears a few teeth marks on her foot. Now Flower is sniffing and looking under beds, in closets and eyeing the glass curio for vinyl - the crack of the greyhound world.

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