Saturday, January 17, 2009


Driving toward the Nebraska vs. Colorado football game, I was struck in awe at landscape that is dotted with large pinwheel looking wind generators. The sight made me wonder why our country is still so foreign oil dependant. Wind generators and solar power always made me think of my Great Uncle Karl and my dad’s interest in alternative energy. I never appreciated their interest, as much as when earlier in 2008, gas topped $4 a gallon making filling my van close to $100 a week.

2008 was a history making year! Our country voted Barack Obama into the Presidential seat. I am looking forward to 2009 and I have a re-newed faith in our country that we can maybe ... encourage positive changes. The Inauguration of our new president is next Tuesday. I pray that he will make a difference.

Now to finish with the Nebraska/Colorado game! It was the best Nebraska game of all time! Well, in recent memory anyway. Nebraska wins in the last two minutes with a record setting 57 yard field goal and a interception return for a touchdown for a final score of 40 to 31. My new favorite player is Ndomukong Suh. When he makes a great play like the interception return for a touchdown, the whole stadium yells, “Suuuuuh”. I was “throwing the bones” with the best of them!

I just hope our country will use this interception in history and turn things around.

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