Friday, June 20, 2008


It's been awhile since I posted anything on the greater good. Which means great things have happened - I just haven't reported them.

But yesterday was little brother's 10th birthday and it's a big deal! He has blond Beetle cut hair, big brown eyes and has a way to see most situations correctly.

His birthday included going to his big brother's summer band concert. You know the final day of band camp where the parents assemble to see if their money and drive time was worth it. Little brother complained about going and he was board but I did notice he was listening. Much to my surprise my son's band was great, the hair stood on my arms while they played "Champions of Freedom" and my mind went straight to Austria during the Highlights from the "Sound of Music". Since my son plays the trumpet, I was very proud to hear the music that where the trumpets are featured. Great!

Then lunch. Has Fazoli's raised their prices?

As the day continued 2 pm extra boys arrive to join our celebration to go to see the movie "Kung Foo Panda." (Great, by the way!) I drove the van load of boys and my friend drove the older siblings. My van load started out by talking about how they all know my son. They made connections some related, some church and some school but by the time we arrived at the theater, we had to draw names out of a hat to see who sits by the birthday boy at the movie. On the ride to eat after the movie the bickering started. Why do 10 year-old boys have to include punching and their hand while waiting on a table? One boy had to assert himself by annoying everyone else and me.

Over all my son had a great birthday celebration!

But quietly to me he admitted, "my friends don't really get along."
My son, you are correct. He is smart!

Thank goodness, it's Friday!

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