Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Happy Birthday married man

Happy birthday to my imzadi,
dear one,
husband of almost 20 years.

You complete me.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Show Ready

5 good things about having your house for sale...

1. The house is cleaner than it's ever been.
2. Family and dog togetherness in the van while driving around during house showings.
3. Turning the kids into clean freaks who put things away and make their beds every morning.
4. The money made from selling furniture to make the house appear larger.
5. Learning patient endurance after 20 showing and no offers.

The third one is just wishful thinking on my part.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Wake up call

2 o'clock in the morning and I was awaken by the shout of "MOM".
I answer, "WHAT!?!" not even knowing who said it.

I fall back to sleep.

More frantic, shrill and blood curdling, "MOM!!!"
I am awake now! Who is killing my child!? I realize now that little brother is screaming. I also realize that I have just screamed "WHAT?!" at full volume. I also see 13 asleep on my floor, I don't know why and I just hope I don't step on him.
Now sobbing little brother at full scream, "LEG CRAMPS!!!"

As I have so many times before, I stumble over 13 into the kitchen for IBprophin and a plastic glass, lid and straw. I don't want him to spill even though he is 9. I give him the medicine and go back to bed.

"MOM," I need an ice pack for my leg!" I make trip two to the kitchen for the ice pack. I hand him the ice pack, he is still sobbing. I don't know what else to do! I ask, "Is there anything else I can do?" No answer. I walk to my room and shut my door. Curl around my pillow and stretch to relax.

"MOM," cried little brother, "I need an ice pack for my other leg!"

Monday, January 7, 2008

Men in Fur

20 years ago sitting in a South Padre Island hotel with the worst sunburns ever, my husband and I saw "Earth Girls are Easy". We laughed through the whole thing and it will for ever be associated with our honeymoon! Not only is it a time capsule of the big haired 80's but "Oh my Gosh" there is a young Jim Carrey in red fur! The hot guy was Jeff Goldblum and he was married at the time to Gena Davis!

So last night, flipping through the bazillions of direct TV channels, we spotted and of course watched the rest of that very same movie already in progress! "Earth Girls are Easy" was delightfully terrible! Being a sci-fi musical, it took us back to a time when we were young and not worried about selling our house, children or anything.

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Happy New Year!

The top 5 list of things to do in 2008!
(Jack and I watched the movie "High Fidelity" on New Year's Day)
1. Sell our house
2. Buy a house
3. Move
4. Get into swimming suit shape
5. Get a passport