Monday, November 12, 2007

Dark Chocolate Raspberry

I don't know if it's the changing leaves or the darkness at 5 pm but I am having a need for comfort. My comfort food of choice usually takes the form of chocolate. As you may or may not know I am on a weight release journey and I am also a chocoholic. So as incongruent as that may sound, I am of the opinion that if I eat chocolate I should make it worth while. I evaluate each type and make of chocolate. The waxy cheap chocolate is not worth the time of day or the calories consumed. Most milk chocolate leaves me wanting more. So make way for Dark Chocolate Raspberry Weight Watchers mini bars at one point a piece! They are truly amazing.

1 comment:

Michele said...

They are awesome, and just enough sweet to make you feel better. I'm with you on this one, sister!