Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Tangible Tuesday

Our house had now been on the market for 3 months, we have had 10 showings and no offers. We did have a showing on Thanksgiving Eve. So with a 17 pound Turkey in the frig, I cleaned the house and baked a cinnamon pizza for a showing. (The pizza was for the homey aroma.) We have cleaned and cleaned and I still find dirt! The people that came on Thanksgiving Eve gave the feedback that the house showed well and they would want to see it again. When?!? So I'm just putting this into the Universe. Make an offer....

Friday, November 16, 2007

Swim Team

13 and little brother decided to join the swim team at the local Y. They have friends who swim and they think it's cool. Of course getting them to the practices can be a miracle in it's self. I find myself spinning in the door and back out as soon as I get home from work. But last night after the agony of getting them out the door with their suits, towels and goggles to their practice. I made a point of watching them swim. They can do something that I can not...

they swim with grace, beauty and speed.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

The New Project Runway is on!

The season 4 of Project Runway began last night.

Let the fun begin. What do you think of the punky 26 year-old with the asymmetrical hair? Will he be the princess of season 4? The 46 year-old lady looks old and is the oldest of the group. The scenes from next week have way too much whining and not enough designing. We will have to see. I agreed with the ousted woman from last night. She couldn't sew or do the deadline. But there were other weird designs. My favorite baby doll dress was one of the bottom. sigh.

I am wearing my 60's inspired jacket today to fuel my inner fashion designer.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

iPod Confessions

I love my iPod. My Birthday was last month and my husband gave me an iPod. 13 and little brother were very envious. 13 has an older iPod but he was still trying to negotiate a trade. Heck no!

Of course I have synced up and downloaded all of the songs that 13 had on the iTunes site.

My world has expanded. Blue October "Into the Ocean" is playing now.

Monday, November 12, 2007

Dark Chocolate Raspberry

I don't know if it's the changing leaves or the darkness at 5 pm but I am having a need for comfort. My comfort food of choice usually takes the form of chocolate. As you may or may not know I am on a weight release journey and I am also a chocoholic. So as incongruent as that may sound, I am of the opinion that if I eat chocolate I should make it worth while. I evaluate each type and make of chocolate. The waxy cheap chocolate is not worth the time of day or the calories consumed. Most milk chocolate leaves me wanting more. So make way for Dark Chocolate Raspberry Weight Watchers mini bars at one point a piece! They are truly amazing.

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Rock on Garth

My husband and I went with our friends to the Garth Brooks concert at the new KC Sprint Center and it was awesome! Who knew that our friends from India are country fans. Anyway, they had two extra tickets and we went on the spur of the moment. We did jump through some hoops not wanting to leave 13 in charge of little brother while we were gone for the evening. Someone had to enforce bedtime. We left Unkie holding down the fort.

I didn't know many songs but I clapped and waved my arms as if I did. Our seats were floor seats 8 rows from the stage. I enjoyed "Fever" and by the time Garth sung "Unanswered prayers," I was in love. Silly me, didn't take my camera because I didn't think that you could. Oh, the pictures I would of had! I could see the impish glint of his blue eyes! Our second tier of entertainment was watching the 6 women in the row in front of us. Three sisters each with a friend for girls night out. They knew all of the words to every song. We all danced.

It was a very special concert for my husband because his brother was a huge Garth Brooks fan. His brother died 5 years ago this week of cancer, his spirit was there in memories. My husband reminded me about the time before kids, that we went to a country-western dance place in southern Missouri. We dressed up in so much borrowed country attire that we felt we were in costumes. My husband borrowed a belt bucket the size of a canned ham from a student who did rodeos. We fit right in as we line danced with my husband's brother and his wife. So my husband knew more songs than I, I didn't remember that we even own a Garth CD. We did buy the pink special edition CD at the concert since $10 went to the The Susan G Komen for the Cure foundation. So rock on Garth your concert and cause are tops for me!

Life comes at you fast!