Wednesday, August 29, 2007

I've done it now. I've created a blog. Being a designer, I've only heard of the cathartic mojo of blogging from my writer friends and cube mates. So here I am, now with my own blog named for my favorite saying "Has anything happened in the greater good today?"

With a resounding "Yes!" I will blog of a simple bumper sticker I saw on a car I passed on my way to work. It read "I Love my Wife." I passed this person to see who loved their wife. I honestly expected to see the wife driving the car but was surprised to see a young man sporting a stocking cap (It's 95 degrees today) and goatee. Yes, his left hand was hanging out of the open window wearing a shinny gold band. So, I concluded that he did indeed love his wife and was definitely worth a mention in the greater good!

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