Thursday, August 30, 2007


Now being an avid blogger, I have shared that I blog with a few of my friends. My friend L said that the name of my blog reminded her of the Disney movie The Incredibles. I have to smile since 2004 movie is a favorite in my household of boys. L reminded me that Frozone running to find his hero costume announces that he needed to help the greater good. His wife remarks that she is his greatest good.

Don't you forget it boys!

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

I've done it now. I've created a blog. Being a designer, I've only heard of the cathartic mojo of blogging from my writer friends and cube mates. So here I am, now with my own blog named for my favorite saying "Has anything happened in the greater good today?"

With a resounding "Yes!" I will blog of a simple bumper sticker I saw on a car I passed on my way to work. It read "I Love my Wife." I passed this person to see who loved their wife. I honestly expected to see the wife driving the car but was surprised to see a young man sporting a stocking cap (It's 95 degrees today) and goatee. Yes, his left hand was hanging out of the open window wearing a shinny gold band. So, I concluded that he did indeed love his wife and was definitely worth a mention in the greater good!